2020年4月29日 星期三

NASA Travel Restrictions Extended Through June

Agencywide Message To All NASA Employees: Update on Official Travel for May and June

"NASA leadership continues to assess upcoming travel for the month of May and June as well as monitoring conferences and other events. Out of an abundance of caution, the agency continues to restrict all domestic and international travel. Only mission-critical travel will be considered and a Request for Travel Exception form must be submitted prior to travel. If you have approved travel in the system for May, please check with your supervisor to ensure that the travel is considered mission critical and that an exception form has been approved; otherwise, please work with your travel arranger to cancel your trip."

Keith's note: One would assume that going to KSC - just to see a launch - is not considered "mission critical". Let's see if this applies to other government entities seeking to visit NASA facilities for launches - like the White House and Congress.

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2KIIE8D

