2017年5月18日 星期四

The Astronaut Who Left NASA Over Fake Taxi Receipts Is ...

Which Astronaut Recently Got Fired From NASA for $1,600 in Fake Taxi Receipts?, Gizmodo

"Last December, an astronaut with NASA was fired for submitting over $1,600 in fake reimbursements for taxis they didn't take. And strangely enough, we don't know who it is. ... In the end, the NASA OIG office suggested something that has been redacted (we're going to guess termination, but who knows?) and the astronaut ultimately resigned at some point in December 2016. Curiously, the exact date of resignation has also been redacted."

Keith's note: (sigh) Gizmodo can't make up their mind. "Fired", "Termination", "Resigned"? Pick one. Oh wait - the OIG says that the astronaut "resigned". While the end result is more or less the same (the astronaut no longer works at NASA) resigning is not the same as being "fired" or "terminated". People get caught at NASA doing lots of things and they often keep their jobs.

As to who the astronaut is, well ... check out this press release which refers to an astronaut who retired in December 2016: "Astronaut Cady Coleman Leaves NASA". My sources tell me that Cady Coleman is indeed the astronaut mentioned by the OIG. I'm sort of a loss for words. Think of the millions of people who'd love to be a NASA astronaut - and then this is how one of them throws away that job.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2pYnash

