2017年5月23日 星期二

Cutting NASA Education In Order To Save It

Keith's note: This is kind of strange. If the intent for the NASA Education Office was to do something "NASA-wide" then you'd think that an agency-wide organization/approach would be needed for that. This is what the NASA Education Office has done for decades. But instead of thinking agency-wide and fixing the NASA Education Office they have decided to close the agency-wide Education Office and shove the remnants inside of the Science Mission Directorate. When I asked Acting NASA CFO Hunter about this he said that NASA does not have a response to this issue and that Acting Education Office AA Mike Kincaid is working on that. So, in other words, they are shutting down the Education Office - without any plan to do all of what the Education Office has been doing for several generations. Hunter and (earlier today) Robert Lightfoot both went off on the whole "inspring the next generation" thing and rambled on about websites and social media - most of which is not paid for by NASA Education office but rather by NASA PAO or the mission directorates. Yet somehow we are supposed to think that doing less education stuff can actually result in more inspiring of the next generation. But oh wait: Hunter thinks Congress will add things back. So why delete things in the first place if you expect them to be put back?

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2reNbIo

