2017年5月31日 星期三

Stratolaunch Rolls Megaplane Out For A Peek

Paul Allen's Stratolaunch Systems brings monster plane out of hangar for first time, Geekwire

"Stratolaunch CEO Jean Floyd said the plane's emergence from its hangar at California's Mojave Air and Space Port was part of a "major milestone in its journey toward providing convenient, reliable and routine access to low Earth orbit." The plane is designed to carry up to three Orbital ATK Pegasus XL rockets at a time into the air, and then set them loose to launch payloads into orbit. .. Stratolaunch says the first launch demonstration, involving a single Pegasus XL, will take place as early as 2019."

Keith's note: So ... when will they announce that they have found a commercially viable reason to launch Dream Chaser?

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2snxFGr

