2017年5月15日 星期一

National Academy Staffer Dumps on Buzz Aldrin

Keith's note: Dwayne Day works at the National Academy of Sciences - you know, that place where experts review our nation's science and technology programs. Its a rather prestigious place. As best I can tell all Dwayne has ever done there is to sit in the corner in rooms full of smart people and write down what they say. Dwayne apparently thinks this gives him the chops to sit in judgement of someone like Buzz Aldrin. In this posting Dwayne Day goes on a lengthy tirade full of gratuitous cheap shots and insults aimed squarely at making Buzz look foolish. We all know Buzz. We all love Buzz. And Buzz will always be Buzz. But for an employee of the National Academy of Sciences to mount such a public attack against an 87 year old American legend is simply inexcusable.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2pQNqnP

