2017年5月16日 星期二

More Bad SLS Orion News From GAO

GAO Report: NASA: Assessments of Major Projects

"Three of the largest projects in this critical stage of development-- Exploration Ground Systems, Orion, and the Space Launch System-- continue to face cost, schedule, and technical risks. In April 2017, we found that the first integrated test flight of these systems, known as Exploration Mission-1, will likely be delayed beyond November 2018.14 NASA concurred with our findings and is currently conducting an assessment to establish a new launch date. Because NASA's assessment is ongoing, the cost implications of the schedule delay and its effect on the projects' baselines are still unknown. However, given that these three human space exploration programs represent more than half of NASA's current portfolio development cost baseline, a cost increase or delay could have substantial repercussions not only for these programs but NASA's entire portfolio."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2qsNEmP

