2020年7月22日 星期三

Now Space Force Wants Its Own Starfleet Admirals

Space Admiral? House Lawmakers Want Navy Ranks for Space Force, Military.com

"House lawmakers have signed off on a proposal calling for the military's sixth branch to adopt the Navy's ranks and structure. The amendment to the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act, proposed by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, would require the Space Force to use "the same system and rank structure as is used in the Navy," according to a summary of the text. Crenshaw, a former Navy SEAL, medically retired as a lieutenant commander. ... A naval command structure would align with strategic similarities space operations have to laws of the sea, Lt. Col. Peter Garretson, then-deputy director of the Schriever Scholars program at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, said in an interview last year. He has since retired. "In maritime theory, navies exist in order to secure commerce," he said."

Keith's note: These Space Force guys are not wasting any time trying to create StarFleet - especially when it comes to the uniforms and the ranks and all that. Other than that what has "Space Force" actually done? It slaps its logo on missions and organizations that already existed and spends lots of money on Facebook ads. Other than that Team Space Force seems to be all about projecting the image of Space Force - rather than actually creating a Space Force. Alas, they are better at that than NASA is - so maybe they could teach NASA how to do some better branding and marketing.

- Space Force Really Wants To Take Over All Of NASA's Stuff, earlier post
- TV's Space Force Looks Like More Fun Than The Real One (Or Artemis), earlier post
- Space Force Official Flag Presented To The President On Friday Because Of Course It Was, earlier post
- Space Force Has The Air Force Academy. Why Doesn't NASA Have A Space Academy?, earlier post
- Space Force Really Wants To Be Star Fleet, earlier post
- More Space Force postings

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2WIKxc0

