2020年7月27日 星期一

Every Mission to Saturn, Ever


Launch: October 15, 1997
Orbit insertion: July 1, 2004
Huygens probe descent: January 14, 2005
Saturn entry: September 15, 2017

Cassini-Huygens' path to Saturn required two flybys of Venus (on April 26, 1998, and June 24, 1999), one of Earth (on August 18, 1999), and one of Jupiter (on December 30, 2010). During the Jupiter encounter, Cassini conducted coordinated observations with Galileo. The Huygens probe descent was wildly successful, revealing a strange new world of channels and basins on Titan. Cassini shaped its orbit around Saturn with numerous gravity-assist flybys of Titan, occasionally surveying Saturn from above or below (with lovely perspectives on the rings) and occasionally from within the ring plane (affording frequent encounters with Saturn's other, smaller moons). Cassini's mission was extended twice, and ended on September 15, 2017, after 293 complete orbits of Saturn, with the spacecraft's plunge into the atmosphere.

from The Planetary Society Articles https://ift.tt/30LW5fE

