2020年7月28日 星期二

Bill Barr’s Tactical Boredom

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Episode Notes

On the Gist, gambling the nation’s health with professional sports.

In the interview, Mike talks with Capt. Lawrence Hunter, a retired commanding officer from the Waterbury Police Department in Connecticut, about policing in America. Hunter spent the majority of his career in law enforcement as a high-ranking officer, and as an educator and instructor. In his retirement, he has launched his own series, Captain Hunter’s Podcast, which seeks to “bridge the gap between police and the communities they serve,” expanding his emphasis on education and encouraging a reckoning with racism.

In the spiel, Bill Barr just lets the Democrats rant.

Email us at thegist@slate.com

Podcast production by Daniel Schroeder and Margaret Kelley.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/39DuW2k

