2020年7月29日 星期三

The Coronavirus Official Who Quit

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Episode Notes

Arizona largely avoided the coronavirus when it first reached the U.S., but after a rapid reopening of the state by Governor Doug Ducey, new cases in the state exploded. Arizona now has well over 165,000 COVID cases and more than three thousand deaths. It was briefly the state with the highest coronavirus death rate in the country. Wendy Smith-Reeve left her role as Director of Arizona’s Division for Emergency Management in late March, accusing Governor Ducey of mismanaging the crisis. She says Arizona’s summer surge could have been avoided.

Guest: Wendy Smith-Reeve, former Director of Arizona’s Division for Emergency Management

Podcast production by Mary Wilson, Danielle Hewitt and Daniel Avis.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3g8q7AE

