2019年12月27日 星期五

The Angle: Trump’s Left His Mark on the Judiciary

Circuit courts: The president moved this year to make more nominations to the federal bench than anyone, ever. How has that worked out for the judiciary? Mark Joseph Stern says it was “an experiment in extreme right-wing jurisprudence.”

Within reason: It’s still college application season, and Melody Warnick is here to say why she killed her daughter’s fancy dreams of attending art school in New York City. Yes, this story is about the avalanche of student debt ($1.6 TRILLION) affecting 45 million Americans right now.

20/20: How do we reconcile the fantastical things we love from our pasts that … don’t quite translate to the sensibilities of today? And why did so many of the people who wrote those fantastical things happen to attend Oxford during the 20th century? Rebecca Onion explores “the Oxford school” of fantasy writing.

1,000 channels: As the decade closes, we’ve said hello and goodbye to many things from the past 10 years. In her latest missive (and last—for now), Inkoo Kang gives a fond farewell to the end of this era in feminist TV.

For fun: Cats is so, so weird.

They did not fix it in post,

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2Sz3a0C

