2016年10月25日 星期二

U.S. - China Strategic and Economic Dialogue

Orbital View of Tiangong 2 and Shenzhou 11

"CNSA has released imagery taken by a smallsat deployed the other day that shows Tiangong 2 and Shenzhou 11."

The Second Meeting of the U.S.-China Space Dialogue, State Department

"Pursuant to their shared goal of advancing civil space cooperation, as agreed upon in the Strategic Track of the U.S. - China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in June 2015 and reaffirmed in June 2016, the United States and China convened their second Civil Space Dialogue on October 20, 2016, in Washington, DC. This ongoing Civil Space Dialogue enhances cooperation between the two countries, promotes responsible behavior in space, and encourages greater transparency and openness on a variety of space-related issues."

Earlier posts on China

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2esnOLM

