2016年10月18日 星期二

Obama Is In Space Legacy Mode

Blue Planet/Red Planet Politics: Obama's Giant Leap for Legacy, Scientific American

"Yet whether Mars will truly be part of the president's space legacy remains to be seen, says Marcia Smith, founder and editor of SpacePolicyOnline.com. "I think Obama's civil space legacy will be his embrace of commercial partnerships, not humans to Mars," she says. Ultimately Obama's legacy depends in large part on what the next administration does, Smith says. If it continues the Mars exploration program he set up, Obama will likely receive kudos, whether or not it is deserved, she says."

- Obama Takes A Space Policy Victory Lap, earlier post
- That Time Obama Killed A Return To The Moon, earlier post
- President Obama Has Some Ideas About Mars, earlier post

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2dZflOD

