2020年10月29日 星期四

USGS Director (Former NASA Astronaut) James Reilly Retaliated Against Whistleblower

Top Interior official retaliated against whistleblower, watchdog says, The Hill

"The leader of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) retaliated against an employee who filed a complaint against him, according to an internal watchdog. The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) for the Interior Department said in a new report that [former NASA astronaut and] USGS Director James Reilly had agency personnel reassign someone who had complained about him to a different job and concluded that the reassignment "qualified as personnel action under the [Whistleblower Protection Act]."

Alleged Reprisal by USGS Director, USGS OIG

Keith's 28 October update: But wait, there's more:

- Trump official stalls polar bear study that could affect oil drilling in Alaska, Washington Post
- USGS chief: Coral killed by pineapples, goats (and climate), E&E News
- The Trump Team Has a Plan to Not Fight Climate Change, Wired
- Trump officials deleting mentions of 'climate change' from U.S. Geological Survey press releases, Science

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/3mzKtpd

