2020年10月30日 星期五

Space Force Wants All Of NASA's Stuff

Keith's note: This is a nicely done video. One small problem: most of it shows military people from the Space Force doing the things that NASA is supposed to be doing - like going to the Moon and Mars - in SLS/Orion hardware. They also a space station-derived interplanetary vehicle with a large centrifuge like they depicted in "The Martian".

"Its time for another giant leap ... we're getting ready for the 22nd century" they say, dramatically. They also talk about "the dark side of the Moon". (sigh) So much for paying attention in Astronomy class at Starfleet Academy. They end this video with "The sky Is not the limit" - as if they are making all the calls on where to go and what to do in space.

Its nice that they want to protect NASA. Thanks guys. But the Trump Administration is now increasingly using the Space Force to set America's agenda in space in a somewhat deliberate, confrontational way i.e. "Make Space Great Again" while NASA often sits in the back seat with its calm, scientific memes. That's not the way it is supposed to be. Space is already great and NASA has always led America's space efforts - and set the pace for the rest of the world. Its time to fix this bad marketing plan.

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/3mDbSH8

