2020年10月27日 星期二

The Last Frontier

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Episode Notes

On the Gist, don’t worry about things you can’t control.

In the interview, Alaska Public Media’s Nat Herz joins Mike to talk about the races above the lower 48. Herz details the dramatic Alaskan Senate race between Al Gross and Daniel Sullivan, how the Pebble Mine scandal and the salmon fishing industry are important points of discussion, and how the presidential campaigns have been able to pound the pavement in Alaska. Cue Sarah Palin appearing as a surrogate for the Trump campaign in a Cabela’s parking lot.

In the spiel, clinging to hope.

Email us at thegist@slate.com

Podcast production by Daniel Schroeder and Margaret Kelley.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2HFrGds

