2020年10月28日 星期三

The Weirdly Tender Film We Don’t Need Right Now

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Episode Notes

This week on the Culture Gabfest, Stephen Metcalf and Dana Stevens are joined by guest host Jody Rosen, a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine. First, they discuss Borat 2 (officially, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm). Next, they dive into music with “The Harry Smith B-Sides.” Finally, they discuss Zoom’s newfound, and sometimes dangerous, place in our culture.

On this week’s Slate Plus segment the hosts extend their analysis of Borat 2, including a discussion of Rudy Giuliani’s now infamous cameo.

Podcast production by Cameron Drews. Production assistance by Rachael Allen.

Outro music: “Next Stop the Big Onion” by Chester Malone


Jody: “The butcher’s shop that lasted 300 years (give or take)” by Tom Lamont in the Guardian

Top Boy: Summerhouse and Top Boy

Dana: The music streaming station “Ocora” from Radio France and its accompanying podcast

Steve: The Beatles’ rehearsals on YouTube, particularly the “Think For Yourself Vocal Overdub Session 1965” video

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3owOf4x

