2020年9月30日 星期三

Space Force Says That It Plans To Send Troops To The Moon

Space Force Will Eventually Put Troops in Orbit, Ops Boss Says, Air Force Magazine

"Military troops in the Space Force will someday deploy to orbit, one of the service's top operations officials said Sept. 29. "At some point, yes, we will be putting humans into space," Maj. Gen. John E. Shaw, head of the Space Force's Space Operations Command and part of U.S. Space Command leadership, said during a conference organized by the AFWERX innovation group. "They may be operating command centers somewhere in the lunar environment or someplace else." Space Force officials, wary of being confused with NASA, usually shy away from questions about whether military personnel will go to the Final Frontier themselves. Experts have split on whether a Space Force astronaut corps is a good idea in the next couple of decades, if at all."

- NASA And Space Force Are Collaborating, earlier post
- Space Force Fans Want To Implement The "Green Agenda", earlier post
- Space Force Is Obsessed With Being Space Force, earlier post
- Military Space Guys Argue Over The Whole Space Force Rank Thing, earlier post
- Space Force Really Wants To Be Star Fleet, earlier post
- Now Space Force Wants Its Own Starfleet Admirals, earlier post
- Space Force Really Wants To Take Over All Of NASA's Stuff, earlier post
- TV's Space Force Looks Like More Fun Than The Real One (Or Artemis), earlier post
- More Space Force postings

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/3cH1MRI

