2020年9月30日 星期三

Dastardly Debate

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Episode Notes

On the Gist, there were a great many missteps last night on the presidential debate stage, but despite the rhetorical slips, Biden stayed on his feet to glide past Trump.

In the interview, Mike and Slate’s national correspondent, Will Saletan, recap the first presidential debate. They dissect the prep and implemented strategies of both the Trump and Biden camps, the gratuitous exchanges between the two candidates, Chris Wallace’s performance as moderator, and how to curb the electoral nightmare scenarios looming on the horizon.

In the spiel, Donald Trump did not say, “Yes!” when asked if he repudiated white supremacy. But was it because he wouldn’t do it, or was it because he has the inability to articulate?

Email us at thegist@slate.com

Podcast production by Margaret Kelley and Jamila Bey.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3iiW1L8

