2020年9月29日 星期二

Former Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale Accused of Domestic Abuse by Wife

Brad Parscale during the Conservative Political Action Conference 2020. Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Former Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale was detained and hospitalized Sunday afternoon after an altercation with his wife at his Florida home. Parscale, who is still on the Trump campaign staff, had with a loaded weapon and was threatening suicide, Ft. Lauderdale police said Monday. Parscale’s wife, Candice, called the authorities after fleeing the home when Parscale allegedly loaded gun in front of her during a verbal altercation. Candice told police that Parscale was in the house with multiple guns after drinking heavily; she said she feared he might take his own life.

In the police report, officers and neighbors on the scene commented on Candice Parscale’s bruises, which she said were from earlier instances of physical abuse from the Trump aide, who ran the president’s campaign until two months ago. From the Washington Post:

Several of the officers who responded to the incident wrote in their reports that Candice Parscale exhibited physical signs of what she said was previous abuse by her husband. One officer wrote that she “had several bruises on both of her arms as well as scratches and bruising on her face,” and another wrote that they noticed “several large sized contusions on both of her arms, her cheek and forehead.” … In an audio recording released by the police, Terry Behal—a real estate agent who was showing a house in the neighborhood when Candice Parscale flagged her down for help—can also be heard noticing her bruises. “What are those bruises? Oh no, did he do that?” Behal asks, at the end of the police recording. “Oh my gosh. Your arm—both your arms. Has he been hurting you?”

Police say they removed 10 firearms from Parscale’s home after he was detained and that he was held under Florida law, which allows police to detain someone that might pose a danger to themselves.

Parscale was President Donald Trump’s fourth campaign manager all three that preceeded him, have been charged with crimes. Paul Manafort is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence for bank and tax fraud, Stephen Bannon was charged with fraud in August and Trump’s original campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was charged with battery for grabbing a reporter at an event in March 2016.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3cG1qdR

