2020年8月29日 星期六

Trump Slams Niece After She Reveals New Audio of President’s Sister Swiping at Ivanka, Eric

President Donald Trump attends a briefing at an emergency operation center in Orange, Texas, on August 29, 2020. ROBERTO SCHMIDT/Getty Images

President Donald Trump on Saturday stepped up his attacks on his niece, as well as others who wrote tell-all books about him, shortly after she revealed new recordings of his sister, this time criticizing his children. “About the only way a person is able to write a book on me is if they agree that it will contain as much bad ‘stuff’ as possible, much of which is lies,” the president wrote aboard Air Force One. “Even whether it’s … an unstable niece, who was now rightfully shunned, scorned and mocked her entire life, and never even liked by her own very kind & caring grandfather!”

The criticism of Mary Trump came after she released a book in July in which she harshly criticized her uncle under the title, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. She released recordings last week of Maryanne Trump Barry, Donald Trump’s older sister, slamming the president, characterizing him as a liar who couldn’t be trusted. And on Friday, Mary Trump released even more recordings of Maryanne Trump Barry, this time criticizing other members of the family, including the president’s children, Ivanka and Eric.

In the recordings, Barry criticizes Ivanka Trump for posting a photo of herself and her young son amid news that the Trump administration was separating children from their families at the border. “That damn Ivanka puts this picture of the ‘Madonna and child’ on Instagram when the big news of the day was how kids are being ripped from their families,” Barry can be heard in the recording. Barry went on to say that while she had “never heard of Samantha Bee before” she “couldn’t blame what she said.” The comment appears to be in reference to how Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” on her TV show, a comment she later apologized for. Barry also agreed with Mary Trump that Ivanka is a “mini Donald” but went on to say that the president is “besotted with her” and “she’s always been his favorite.” Barry also said that “Eric’s become the moron publicly.”

Mary Trump has continued speaking up against the president after the publication of the book. Speaking after the Republican National Convention, Mary Trump said the four-day affair was “disturbing” and stood out for the number of lies that were told. “The extent to which every, almost every single participant in this convention was willing to lie, and knew they were lying, and didn’t care that pretty much everything they said was a lie, was breathtaking,” she told Politico. Mary Trump also participated in an MSNBC panel on the final night of the convention, which she said was “disturbing to watch” and mocked the way the GOP portrayed the president. “The idea of passing him off like a great family man is like trying to pass him off as a great businessman,” she said.

In his tweets Saturday against those who have written books that criticize him, Trump also named his former national security adviser John Bolton and journalist Bob Woodward. Trump referred to Bolton as “a dumb warmonger” and Woodward as “a social pretender.” Trump sent the tweets as he traveled to Texas and Louisiana to tour damage caused by Hurricane Laura.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2YLNGZj

