2020年8月28日 星期五

Jacob Blake’s Family Says He Is Handcuffed to His Hospital Bed

Jacob Blake Sr., father of Jacob Blake, speaks a news conference in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Five days after being shot in the back by Kenosha police, Jacob Blake is in the hospital paralyzed from the waist down and, according to his family, handcuffed to his hospital bed. “I hate it that he was laying in that bed with the handcuff onto the bed,” Blake’s father said Thursday after visiting his son in the hospital. “He can’t go anywhere. Why do you have him cuffed to the bed?” Blake’s father said his son is “under arrest” though the family is still uncertain what charges, if any, the 29-year-old might face. “This is an insult to injury,” Blake’s uncle told CNN about the use of handcuffs.

When asked about why Blake was being held in cuffs while recovering from being shot multiple times in the back by local police, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers said he “couldn’t imagine” why cuffs were necessary. “I would have no personal understanding why that would be necessary,” Evers said during a press conference. “I would hope that we would be able to find a more, a better way to help him … in recovering. That seems counterintuitive. It seems to be bad medicine.”

The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel said protests in Kenosha remained peaceful Thursday night with some arrests made of people out after curfew. “At a news briefing on Thursday, local law enforcement officials praised the demonstrations held the night before, describing them as much calmer than the chaos on Kenosha’s streets earlier in the week,” the Washington Post reports. “Both police and the self-described militia members who were ever-present Tuesday mostly stayed away from protesters Wednesday night.” By midnight Thursday, the Journal-Sentinel reports, there were just 50 demonstrators remaining, a day after 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse was arrested and charged with homicide after shooting and killing two protesters. Just hours before the demonstrations began Thursday evening, local authorities named seven-year police veteran Rusten Sheskey as the officer that shot Blake in the back.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/3ln9MeF

