2020年8月30日 星期日

How Kurt Andersen Succeeds in So Many Creative Fields

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Episode Notes

This week, host June Thomas talks to novelist, journalist, editor, and radio host Kurt Andersen, who talks about the curiosity and drive that has fueled so many of his creative pursuits. He also discusses his latest nonfiction book, Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America, and he ponders the legacy of Spy magazine, a publication he co-founded in the 1980s.

After the interview, June and co-host Isaac Butler discuss the difference between generalists, who know a little bit about a lot of topics, and specialists, who have a specific area of expertise.

Send your questions about creativity and any other feedback to working@slate.com.

Podcast production by Cameron Drews.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2DfXgwe

