2019年9月26日 星期四

Why Hustlers Is a Revenge Fantasy Done Right

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Episode Notes

On this week’s episode of the Waves, Christina, Marcia, and June discuss the Washington Post profile of Kamala Harris that focuses on her years at Howard University—and what that tells us about the candidate, HBCUs, and American political life. Then they talk about Malcolm Gladwell’s new book, specifically the chapter on alcohol and sexual assault, and find a theory wanting a foundation. Finally, the panelists talk through what they loved and what they less than loved about Hustlers.

In Slate Plus: It may be seen by some as #harmlessfun, but is it sexist for men to walk around naked in homes they share with other people?


June: Maggie Terry, by Sarah Schulman

Marcia: River of Fire, by Sister Helen Prejean

Christina: Succession on HBO

This podcast was produced by Sara Burningham. Production assistance by Cleo Levin and Rosemary Belson.

Email your topic suggestions and responses to thewaves@slate.com.

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