Kanye West holding a Sunday Service at Coachella.
Rich Fury/Getty Images
Musician Kanye West has been predicting for some time that his upcoming album Jesus Is King would arrive any day now and encouraging his followers to prepare for its arrival. And while most millenarians find that exact dates are the enemy of faith, West has never shied away from Harold Camping it: In 2018, he announced that an album called Yandhi would arrive on Sept. 29, 2018, the night of his infamous SNL appearance. It didn’t. Then Kim Kardashian predicted that Yandhi was coming on Nov. 23, 2018. It wasn’t. In 2019, West began his “Sunday Services”: gospel-tinged Sunday morning performances that many believed would help prepare the way for a new Kanye West album. That belief seemed validated in August, when Kim Kardashian set a third date for the album’s arrival and announced its new title:
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But Sept. 27 has come and gone, and Jesus Is King has still not arrived. West presided over a listening party in Detroit Friday night, showing clips from upcoming film projects and rapping along to the album. Listeners report that what they heard was not political, not gospel, and, perhaps not surprisingly, not finished: West told the audience he’d recorded a verse immediately before the show, and one song featured a placeholder for a Nicki Minaj verse that West said was being recorded Friday night. But before West’s fans could lose too much faith because of Jesus Is King missing yet another deadline, Kim Kardashian released a new prophecy, this time on Instagram stories:
Instagram/Kim Kardashian
So Jesus Is King is definitely, no fooling, coming out on Sunday, Sept. 29, 2019. Watch Instagram and Twitter therefore: for ye know not what hour Jesus Is King doth come. But know this: With the right marketing, Kanye could keep this going for thousands of years.
from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2oeJwdn