I’ll be coming for your love, okay?
As news of rampant corruption and industrial-scale dishonesty engulf his presidency, Donald Trump has found a novel way to fight back: Retweeting Twitter videos of himself rotoscoped in the style of director Steve Barron’s 1985 groundbreaking music video for A-Ha’s “Take on Me.” Seriously! Here is the current pinned tweet from the President of the United States of America:
The video comes from Twitter user @realPowerTie, who tweeted it out several times before the president decided to share his work with the world:
But while @realPowerTie had the vision of putting Trump in a music video from more than three decades ago, NBC deserves at least co-production credit, because they produced the source material—presumably at great expense to the network, and undeniably at great expense to the nation—for at least two shots in the video. Here’s one of the original sources, from November 7, 2015, when they let Donald Trump host Saturday Night Live:
And here’s another, from Sept. 15, 2016, when they booked him on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon:
It is so nice to be reminded of these funny, humanizing, NBC-produced Donald Trump moments as impeachment looms, and we can only hope that as the process continues, the president will stand by his longstanding commitment to dragging everyone who ever enabled him down right along with him. As for dragging his enemies down, this video won’t do it: As historian Kevin Kruse pointed out on Twitter, the part in the video that takes aim at Chuck Schumer depends on no one looking up the source of the footage:
In other words, things are continuing to get dumber and weirder at an unprecedented pace. So before rotoscoping—a perfectly fine filmmaking technique that doesn’t deserve to be associated with this garbage—gets ruined forever, here’s the video for “Take On Me,” from A-Ha, which deservedly won six MTV Music Video Awards in 1986, a few months after Donald Trump’s 40th birthday. Were we ever so young?
Anyway, on the off chance Donald Trump is desperately looking for advice to avoid impeachment—and he’s currently retweeting tribute videos animated in the style of A-Ha, so maybe it’s more than an off chance—here’s a useful tip: The better-known music video for A-Ha’s “Take On Me” is not the original, and it’s not even the original recording of the song. Here’s the version that did not win any MTV Music Video Awards:
I think I speak for every American when I say that if Donald Trump spent the next few weeks painstakingly producing a shot-for-shot remake of the original “Take On Me” video in which he played all the parts, leotard cartwheels very much included, it wouldn’t change anything at all about his impeachment, but it’d be a whole lot cooler than whatever it is he’s doing now. Please, Mr. President: Start ripping up your t-shirts!
from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2o5JW5o