2017年11月9日 星期四

That NASA Mars Child Slave Colony Is Actually On Europa

In emails, NASA denies child slave ring on Mars, confirms politician-eating tentacle monster on Europa, Muckrock

"Back in July, (alleged) former Central Intelligence Agency officer and one-time Reform Party presidential nominee Robert David Steele appeared on Alex Jones' InfoWars to voice a pet canard: he claims that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration had a colony of child slaves on Mars. The Daily Beast reached out to NASA to respond. The agency confirmed with barely concealed irritation that it does not, in fact, have a colony of child slaves on Mars."

Goofy Mars Conspiracies Part 2 (Update), earlier post (July 2017)

Keith's note: I was just interviewed by BBC Live at Five about this nonsense. Audio below.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2hYxSNI

