2017年11月26日 星期日

Rocket Boys in Carbon Creek

Rocket Boys, Vulcans, and Wandering Apollo Rockets, SpaceRef

"I first wrote this for StarTrek's official website in 2002 the day after the "Enterprise" episode "Carbon Creek" first aired. The story was clearly inspired by my friend Homer Hickam's book "Rocket Boys" Well, that episode was on TV last night. Curiously, after 15 years, and several pivots, NASA seems to be moving back toward the Moon again (which happens to be my favorite destination for human exploration as well as Homer's) and interstellar object 1I/'Oumuamua (previously A/2017 U1) is passing through our solar system - echoes of the plot of yet another Star Trek tale i.e. "Star Trek First Contact". Within - and below - my article are references to thinking that was on everyone's mind as talk of going back to the Moon and on to Mars was on everyone's mind. This was a few months before the loss of Columbia and more than a year before President Bush announced the "Vision for Space Exploration"."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2AagMqa

