2017年11月19日 星期日

Its The End Of The World As We Know It Again

Please stop annoying this NASA scientist with your ridiculous Planet X doomsday theories

"David Morrison is a real NASA scientist who studies real planets and makes real discoveries about the real universe. Unfortunately for him, Morrison's duties also include debunking perennial Internet theories that a fake planet is about to destroy the Earth, which was supposed to happen in 2003, then 2012, then Sept. 23, then October - and now the world is supposed to end again some time Sunday. And the astronomer sounds like he's just about had it. "You're asking me for a logical explanation of a totally illogical idea," Morrison said on this week's SETI Institute podcast, after the hosts asked for his take on third scheduled apocalypse in three months. "There is no such planet, there never has been, and presumably there never will be - but it keeps popping up over and over."

Keith's note: Please let me know on Monday if the world ends on Sunday so I can update this post.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2B34AoP

