2017年11月8日 星期三

NASA Flips A Coin Again To Pick A New SLS Launch Date

NASA Completes Review of First SLS, Orion Deep Space Exploration Mission

"While the review of the possible manufacturing and production schedule risks indicate a launch date of June 2020, the agency is managing to December 2019," said acting NASA Administrator Robert Lightfoot. "Since several of the key risks identified have not been actually realized, we are able to put in place mitigation strategies for those risks to protect the December 2019 date."

Keith's note: NASA says "December 2019" because it sounds better than some date in "2020" - even if the launch date was 1 January 2020. Its like saying that something costs $19.99 instead of $20.00. It sounds better. Truth be known they have no idea - as OIG and GAO have been saying again and again every year.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2Av7jaw

