2017年2月2日 星期四

Bolden Concerns: Transition "Turmoil" and Trump Stance On Climate

Former NASA head concerned about climate data efforts under Trump, Nola.com

"NASA has yet to receive specific marching orders from the Trump administration, but you have voiced concerns. What is on your mind?

I'm having a difficult time adjusting to the turmoil of the first week of the Trump administration. Coming out of NASA and being a former military commander we are very dependent on understanding what is going on in the environment and understanding the need for climate data before we can deploy Marines and sailors and airmen. Finding an administration that doesn't understand that and day-by-day seems to be curtailing the availability of valuable data to decision makers concerns me.

Can you be more specific?

We provide a lot of (climate and environmental) data through over-flights and satellite data. That's what I think is threatened if we're not careful with the policies of the new administration."

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2jIDXvz

