2017年2月13日 星期一

Louis Ostrach

"Dear HEOMD Colleagues: Our friend and colleague Louis Ostrach died on Sunday, February 12. We are informed that he died peacefully and painlessly after losing consciousness in a hospital visit this weekend. He is survived by his wife Sandy and two daughters, one of whom works at GSFC. Louis invested his professional career in advancing the cause of human spaceflight. I first met him in his research leadership role in what was the Office of Biological and Physical Sciences. Then, and right up until the end of last week, he was passionately engaged in assuring space research and human spaceflight programs would keep moving forward. We will share information on memorial service plans as it becomes available; we are, of course, wanting to support Louis' family and honor their wishes. In the meantime, take care of yourselves, your families, and each other. And let's keep moving forward together. Louis would like that." - Greg Williams

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2l20CFl

