2017年2月20日 星期一

Spitzer Discovered Something About Planets Somewhere

NASA to Host News Conference on Discovery Beyond Our Solar System

"NASA will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. EST Wednesday, Feb. 22, to present new findings on planets that orbit stars other than our sun, known as exoplanets. The event will air live on NASA Television and the agency's website. Details of these findings are embargoed by the journal Nature until 1 p.m."

Keith's note: Once again NASA is teasing us with some sort of important news about something. Of course the tabloids will immediately parse words, see words that NASA never used, and imagine that life has been found on other planets. Apparently Spitzer has something to do with this and there are some planets involved in this too. So I did a quick search for articles by the participants in this event as they relate to Spitzer. Have fun speculating.

- The Spitzer search for the transits of HARPS low-mass planets - II. Null results for 19 planets
- Illusion and Reality in the Atmospheres of Exoplanets
- Toward a Galactic Distribution of Planets. I. Methodology & Planet Sensitivities of the 2015 High-Cadence Spitzer Microlens Sample
- Searching For Rapid Orbital Decay of WASP-18b

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2lnEG86

