2021年1月26日 星期二

The Space Command Food Fight Is Heating Up

Letter From Colorado Congressional Delegation To President Biden Regarding Relocation Of The U.S. Space Command

"We write to request you conduct a thorough review of the Trump Administration's last-minute decision to move U.S. Space Command from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to Huntsville, Alabama and suspend any actions to relocate the headquarters until you complete the review. This move undermines our ability to respond to the threats in space and is disruptive to the current mission. Additionally, significant evidence exists that the process was neither fair nor impartial and that President Trump's political considerations influenced the final decision.

Political Influence. The Department of Defense must also review reports of political influence in this two-year process. At the outset, it is unclear why there was a basing process to reestablish a command with an existing and concentrated mission that was rehatted. In addition, it is unclear why the Air Force slowed and eventually stopped its standard strategic basing process in 2019. Certain press reports have suggested this was done due to requests from various Members of Congress who argued their state should have been included in the process. Finally, there is evidence President Trump's political considerations influenced the timing and final decision."

- Full-Blown Space Command Food Fight Underway, earlier post
- earlier military space postings

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/3podaXY

