2021年1月30日 星期六

One of Two Proud Boys Charged With Conspiracy in Capitol Riots Had Bomb-Making Manuals

Federal prosecutors unveiled the first conspiracy charges against two members of the far-right nationalist group Proud Boys for their actions during the violent Capitol riot. It marked the first time that members of the Proud Boys are accused of working together to attack the Capitol. Prosecutors allege Dominic Pezzola, of Rochester, N.Y., and William Pepe, of Beacon, N.Y. cooperated to interfere with the work of law enforcement officers who were protecting Congress. The two men had already been facing lesser charges two weeks ago connected to the attack on the Capitol.

Of the some 175 people who have been charged for their actions during the Capitol riot, at least eight have ties to the Proud Boys, reports CNN. But these latest charges stand out because the vast majority have been accused of relatively minor crimes like disorderly conduct. For now, the only others who are facing serious conspiracy charges are three members of the Oath Keepers, a militia group, who are accused of planning the violent riot far in advance.

Prosecutors argued that Pezzola should be jailed before trial in part because authorities found “weapons- and bomb-making manuals” on a thumb drive in his home. Pezzola, who is known as “Spaz” to his friends, poses a “serious danger to the community and a serious risk of flight,” prosecutors said. Pezzola’s lawyer disputed the characterization of the material, saying it was given to Pezzola, he never opened it, and it really was a “survivalist” manual. “The government has cherry-picked a small portion of the paper to suit their narrative,” the lawyer said. The files that were found in Pezzola’s home included “Advanced Improvised Explosives,” “Explosive Dusts” and “Ragnar’s Big Book of Homemade Weapons.”

A previous court filing said Pezzola used a police shield to break a window at the Capitol and was one of the first rioters inside the building. “Pezzola was not the only person trying to break windows and forcibly enter the Capitol at that time, but he appears . . . first to breach a window so successfully that he and other rioters could enter the Capitol through it,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Erik Kenerson wrote. “The defendant’s actions show planning, determination, and coordination.”

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/39v4zNF

