2021年1月28日 星期四

Big Aerospace Still Wants Everything That Trump Promised

Keith's note: Surprise surprise: the Coalition for Deep Space Exploration (whose executive diretor departs tomorrow) - an organization made up of all of the Big Aerospace companies who absolutely depend on the continuation of the SLS/Orion program - has put this postion paper out. One of the first absurd statements - about a rocket that can't even do a engine test right - is to claim that no one else can send humans into deep space. This not only ignores Falcon Heavy but also SPaceX's Starship and Blue Origin's New Glenn:

"As the world's only human exploration systems destined for deep space, SLS and Orion provide the U.S. with an important tool for diplomacy and a means to engage international partners in these historic missions."

And they want to keep the entire Trump space infrastructure in place:

"The new administration should continue the National Space Council, while coordinating its efforts as closely as possible with Congress to ensure continued and timely investments in space and informed deliberations on appropriate regulatory regimes and reform, and legislation."

And they want every possible big ticket item from the Trump Administration - and then some - funded at 100% no matteer what:

"... By making full use of the SLS, including the Exploration Upper Stage, the Orion spacecraft, and the Exploration Ground Systems that support them; as well as the lunar Gateway and Human Landing System currently under development with international and commercial partners ..."

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2Yqy1y0

