2020年3月12日 星期四

Personal Note About The Imminent Pandemic: Be Mark Watney

White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources, Reuters

"Pandemics demand transparency and competence," said Mark Warner of Virginia. "Classification authority should never be abused in order to hide what the government is doing, or not doing, just to satisfy domestic political concerns."

Keith's note: As a biologist I cannot let this pandemic go by without paying close attention to the details. They are scary. If you are young the only risk is that you are infected but not sick but spreading it to others. If you are in good health you will probably be OK. But if you have any - I repeat any - underlying physical issues and/or are a Boomer (or older) then you should be very afraid. The death risk goes up - well above Flu. Stock up on the essentials. Make sure you have an extra supply - and take - your meds. Become a hermit. If your spouse gets this - so will you. You can interact with others to your heart's content online for a few months. There is no treatment. There is no cure. Only prevention and common sense. This is survivable but you need to take responsibility for your own survival.

Our current government will fail you in this regard. Get used to it.

Be Mark Watney.

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2vQ6bAT

