2020年2月11日 星期二

Internal Outreach Dysfunction at STMD

Keith's note: (Sigh) What you have here is a classic case of inter-organizational stove piping at NASA. And the stove piing reflects some inherent dysfunction inside STMD. More details here: "NASA Tries To Explain The NASA iTech Thing":

"This NASA iTech effort is supposed to engage companies with innovations that could benefit NASA as well as help innovators realize potential space applications of their technologies that may have been designed for another purpose.Hopefully that will inspire companies to invest their own money in the use of NASA technology. NASA makes claims that this program has led to $500 million in private sector investments - but they cannot actually verify that claim. Nor does NASA iTech bother to interact with the rest of the agency's various commercialization activities wherein much more technology awaits wider distribution and use. Most paradoxically, the NASA itTech folks are incapable of generating standard PR for their supposed successes. Also NASA cannot decide if NASA iTech is a NASA thing or something that a vendor does - or both - and NASA STMD clearly did not think this through when it allowed the NASA iTech folks to run around promoting this effort."

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2OOsBIZ

