2020年2月19日 星期三

Here Are the Bloomberg Campaign’s Latest Damage Control Talking Points

Bernie Video

• Our campaign believes we need to unite to defeat Trump in November and that’s why Mike has been traveling across the country and meeting with voters to make his case.

• But the kind of divisive “energy” being displayed by ‘Bernie Bros’ is not going to get us there.

• That’s why we created this video to highlight the divisive nature we are seeing from other campaigns and the need to unite and focus on beating Trump.

Watch the new video taking on “Bernie Bros” here.

Farm Comments

• This video was edited by the Trump team to be something it’s not. The Trump team cut off the first part of Mike’s sentence where he said, ‘if you think about the agrarian society [that] lasted 3000 years, we could teach processes.

• Mike wasn’t talking about today’s farmers at all, and Team Trump is deliberately misleading Americans because Donald Trump’s erratic policies have devastated American farms, including a 20% increase in US Farm bankruptcies last year.

• Donald Trump inherited his wealthy yet bankrupted businesses in cities around the world. As President, he’s hurting American farms, and he knows that Mike Bloomberg has the skills to fix the problem.

• Here is the full context of Mike’s remarks:

“More and more, if you think about the agrarian society [that] lasted 3000 years, we could teach processes. I could teach anybody, even people in this room so no offense intended, to be a farmer. It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn, you could learn that ten. Then you have 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal on the lathe, you turn the crank in the direction of the arrow and you can have a job. And we created a lot of jobs. At one point 98% of the world worked in agriculture, today it’s 2% in the United States. Now comes the information economy and the information economy is fundamentally different because it’s built around replacing people with technology.”

Women in the Workplace

• Virtually all of this has been reported over the past two decades. In any large organization, there are going to be complaints — but Mike simply does not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment, and he’s created cultures that are all about equality and inclusion.

• His opponents tried to use these same attacks against him when he ran for office in 2001. He won that race — and I’m glad he did, because he appointed people like Patti Harris, the first woman to serve as first deputy mayor, and people like Fatima Shama, Janette Sadik-Khan, Rose Gill Heam, Carol Robles Roman, Diahann Billings-Burford, Amanda Burden, Linda Gibbs, Kate Levin, and many others.

• He unquestionably improved life for women in New York. Under Mike’s leadership, New York City brought down the rates of domestic violence by 30%. Mike increased the number of certified MWBEs. He worked to increase access to reproductive healthcare. All while creating jobs, improving access to healthcare and fighting climate change.

• Now, his campaign is led by women like Chair Patti Harris and Senior Advisor Brynne Craig and many others.

• His record and agenda for our country are also why he has earned the endorsements of women leaders across the country, including Governor Gina Raimondo; Congresswoman Haley Stevens, Lucy McBath, Stephanie Murphy and Mikie Sherrill, Mayors Breed, Bowswer, Brown, and women who’ve long been activists on causes like reproductive rights like Jill Lafer.

• Throughout his entire professional life - as a colleague, mayor, business leader, and philanthropist, Mike has sought counsel from women, elevated women, supported women candidates for office, and supported policies that benefit women. I know he cares deeply about these issues because he’s actually worked on them. He’s pro-choice, he supports paid family leave, and believes in and practices equal pay. This isn’t lipservice for Mike, it’s something he prioritizes and he will be a president who will continue to take on these fights.

• Here’s what I know: Mike will be a fantastic president for women, while Donald Trump poses an urgent threat to women. We have to defeat Trump in 2020, and Mike is the candidate to do that.

Specific Response to Washington Post allegations

• As we told the Washington Post, “Mike simply did not say the things somebody wrote in this gag gift, which has been circulating for 30 years and has been quoted in every previous election Mike has been in.

• He did not make any of the statements alleged in the Sekiko Garrison lawsuit. In his testimony in the case, Mike said: “I never said those words and there would be no reason to do so, it’s ridiculous and an outrage.”

• As we told the Post, “Mike openly admits that his words have not always aligned with his values and the way he has led his life and some of what he has said is disrespectful and wrong.”


• Mike understands that the transgender community has been under attack for decades adn the advance of rights has not been equal.

• In April 2002, during his first year as mayor, Mike signed a sweeping transgender civil rights bill into law. His company provides comprehensive healthcare coverage for his transgender employees.

• As president, he has a comprehensive plan to secure rights for transgender Americans, including passing the Equality Act, ensuring transgender people have access to affirming healthcare and wrking to end the crisis of violence against transgender women.

• Mike is running to defeat Donald Trump and reverse the many policies he has implemented that attack the rights of the transgender community.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/39S6kSn

