2020年1月29日 星期三

The Angle: China Is Playing Whack-a-Mole With Coronavirus Rumors

The Angle’s getting a rebrand next week. Don’t worry: This newsletter will still have the same stories you love. They’ll just come with a different name—The Slatest—and a sharp new look. You don’t need to take any action to keep receiving it, but if change isn’t your thing, unsubscribe here or below (we’ll miss you).

Going viral: As the coronavirus continues to spread, Chinese government censors are certainly earning their wages, Marjorie Perry reports. Between tamping down social media rumors and creating lilac-hued propaganda posters distributed via WeChat, China is going on the offensive. Will the Communist Party manage to hold onto the narrative?

Unblocked: In more online censorship news, Turkey has finally lifted its 2½-year ban of Wikipedia after a hard-fought legal battle and spirited PR campaign. While this is worth celebrating, Stephen Harrison warns that the same strategy that Wikipedia’s proponents used in Turkey may not work in other, similarly censored countries—but there are still options.

Bolton, Bolt-off: Let’s make it clear—John Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser, is an ideological bureaucrat not above petty schemes. But his new book, and its explosive claims, may still be trustworthy, Fred Kaplan writes. All the more reason for him to testify in the impeachment trial.

For fun: Have you been watching The Circle on Netflix recently? Ever wonder if it’s actually a person typing out all those emoji? Let’s speculate.

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