2019年10月5日 星期六

Making Pluto A "Planet" - The Sneaky Way

Keith's note: The Pluto is a planet fan club has been howling about the demotion of Pluto from a "planet" to "dwarf planet" status after an IAU vote for more than a decade. Despite their outrage no one has been willing or able to muster enough votes to reverse the IAU vote or to find another professional body willing to endorse their definition of what a planet is. Apparently this is not that big of an issue otherwise the planetary science community would have staged an uprising to correct this grave error, right? So ... some of the Pluto fan club members have decided to try and skew Wikipedia to accomplish what they can't get their colleagues to do openly. Funny thing about Wikipedia - you can see every edit made and, with a little patience, figure out who is making the edits. Some of the stuff they are trying to post is really silly.

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2o94gn8

