2019年10月30日 星期三

Dear Prudence Podcast: Help! My Friends Want to Cram Their Six-Person Family Into My Home for a Week.

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Episode Notes

Prudence is joined this week by Jae Bearhat, a Seattle-based writer, zinester, and known internet presence. Their work includes the Czap Books–published comic Little Teeth, the YouTube critique series Film Critters, and their Twitter feed @fussybabybitch.

Prudie and Bearhat tackle letters about how to decide how much to financially support a stepdaughter who squanders the money she already receives, how to handle out-of-town friends who want to visit with their four kids and stay with you instead of a hotel, what to do when a visiting friend uncomfortably infiltrates your life by flirting with your crush and using your vibrator, how to reason with your dad after he refused to let you help your mom with her debilitating disease, and how to decide if you should maintain a friendship (and secret crush) with someone who may have undiagnosed autism.

Access all of Prudie’s podcasts and columns here.

Got a question for Prudie? Send it to prudence@slate.com or leave a voicemail message at 401-371-DEAR (3327), and you may hear your question answered on a future episode of the show.

Production by Phil Surkis.

from Slate Magazine https://ift.tt/2BXsZOh

