2019年10月27日 星期日

What’s It Like to Be an Agent for Influencers?

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Episode Notes

To wrap up the season on the influencer industry, Rachelle talks to Jess Hunichen, co-founder of talent agency Shine Influencers. Jess cut her teeth as a traditional film and television agent when she lived in Australia. But when she had trouble finding work after a move to Toronto, she and Shine co-founder Emily Ward found a completely new niche market. After first starting Shine PR, the duo quickly saw the need for talent representation in the world of social media. So they began Shine Influencers, which now has offices in Toronto, Montréal, and Los Angeles. Jess tells Rachelle how representing influencers is different from working with traditional celebrities, what she looks for in clients, and why social media still feels like the Wild West.

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