2019年1月14日 星期一

Shutdowns and Dream Jobs

Experts worry government shutdowns will drive NASA employees to the private sector, Houston Chronicle

"But Keith Cowing, editor of NASA Watch, a website devoted to space news, suspects the duration and frequency of the shutdowns soon will plant seeds of doubt in peoples' mind about working at the history-making space agency. "A lot of people take a salary cut to work at NASA," Cowing said. "But when you can't pay the bills and you have to do chores for your landlord for rent, there's nothing worse than having your dream job taken away from you because of this." A decision like that is a heartbreaking one, Cowing said, but it's one that the next shutdown could force people to make. "There's nothing worse than thinking, 'My god, I got to NASA and I can't afford to stay here,'" he said."

Shutdown makes it difficult for NASA to attract young talent, says tech labor leader, The Hill

"NASA has been a very attractive place for people to go to work," Shearon, the president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, told Hill.TV's Buck Sexton and Krystal Ball on "Rising." "If you're a young person coming out of college today, and you've got maybe an advanced degree in engineering or science, and you take a look and you say wait a second, how could it possibly be that NASA scientists are not working, and they're at home not getting paid? That's not what I went to school for," he continued. "My love of science is far greater than my love for my employer."

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2SQBoKg

