2019年1月11日 星期五

NASA Contractors Implement Prolonged Shutdown Contingencies

Keith's note: Below is an internal memo sent to employees of ZIN Technologies, a contractor at NASA GRC. Rumor has it that there will be a complete closure at ZIN in mid-February if the government shutdown persists.

"This memo is to advise all ZIN personnel of the fact that due to the Government shutdown of NASA, ZIN is currently not being paid for work you are performing. As a result, we must address our cash flow and take the following temporary actions. These actions are effective beginning Sunday January 13, 2019 and will first impact your paycheck dated February 5, 2019. Your paycheck for January 22, 2019 will not be effected."

Full memo below:

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2RNlPpm

