2019年1月22日 星期二

NASA's Annual Day of Remembrance Postponed

NASA's annual Day of Remembrance Postponed

"NASA's annual Day of Remembrance reminds us to reflect on not just the sacrifices that have been made by our fallen family, friends, and co-workers, but also to remind us of our core values of safety, integrity, and teamwork as we carry out our history-making missions. Unfortunately, most of our NASA family are on furlough and we recognize your participation in many of the Day of Remembrance activities would be a challenge. As a result, we have decided to delay our observance until we are all able to come together as a family to remember our fallen astronauts and those who have given their life in pursuit of exploration. An updated time for our commemoration has not yet been selected, but we will make this a priority once the furlough is over and everyone is back to work."

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2WbnXXu

