2018年12月30日 星期日

Space Scientists Have More Impact Than You Think

The Most Famous Person To Die In 2018, According To Data Science, Huffington Post

"What this graph doesn't tell us, however, is who specifically was the most famous person to die in 2018. To calculate this, we need a means to measure an individual's level of fame. And this is where we can borrow a trick from Google. The search engine ranks results by counting the number of pages linking into a given page - the theory being that the more pages linking there, the more authoritative it is. And using this Wikipedia data, we can do something similar: We can count the number of other Wikipedia pages linking to the dead person. The bigger the number, the bigger the impact that person had on our world."

"10 - Paul Spudis - Aug. 29 - Scientist - 1502"

Paul Spudis, earlier post

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2EUoOGN

