2018年12月27日 星期四

Shutdown: NASA Employees Ordered Not To Do Any Space Exploration

Planning for a Government Shutdown, NASA

"During the Shutdown Furlough, you will be in a nonpay, nonduty status. During this time, you will not be permitted to serve NASA as an unpaid volunteer. You must remain away from your worksite, and may not work at home, in another location, or participate in events hosted by non-NASA entities in your official capacity like speeches or speakers bureau engagements, unless and until recalled."

NASA Operating Status

"NASA is currently CLOSED due to a lapse in Government funding Orderly Shutdown Will Begin December 26, 2018"

NASA, other federal workers not as supportive of government shutdown as Trump claims, union rep says, Houston Chronicle

"Trump has argued that federal workers support the shutdown, saying Tuesday, "Many of those workers have said to me and communicated, 'stay out until you get the funding for the wall.' These federal workers want the wall, " according to an ABC News story published on Christmas Day. In its statement, the union said Trump needs to stop "gambling with the lives of federal workers." "If the president wants to gamble, perhaps he should go back to running casinos," the statement said."

Government shutdown grounds NASA testing, Sandusky Register

"Most recently, a simulated spacecraft resembling Orion's actual article underwent and aced noise-related tests. Engineers collected data to input into Orion's actual article, ensuring, upon a scheduled 2021 launch, the spacecraft can withstand extreme vibration it'll likely encounter in space. Depending on the shutdown's length, a federal holdup could push back several crucial Orion-related experiments scheduled for 2019 at Plum Brook. Before then, Plum Brook's staff has prepared for these tests, analyzing data gathered from past trial runs. Though the stoppage means these workers and others contracted to work with NASA at Plum Brook on other projects must stand idle and wait for who knows how long."

from NASA Watch http://bit.ly/2Akbyr0

