2018年12月19日 星期三

NASA Is Incapable Of Explaining How It Does Astrobiology

Sugar is Sweet, Essential to Life - and It's Probably in Deep Space, NASA

"New research suggests that the sugar molecule that puts the "D" in DNA - 2-deoxyribose - could exist in the far reaches of space. A team of NASA astrophysicists were able to create DNA's sugar in laboratory conditions that mimic interstellar space. The researchers believe their results, published on Tuesday in Nature Communications, show that yet another of life's critical chemical building blocks could be widespread in the universe and potentially seed other planets as well."

Keith's note: This article is about a topic at the core of Astrobiology - the origin and distribution of biogenic compounds and precursors. The only place that "astrobiology" appears on this web page is a tag at the end. There is no mention of this article at the NASA Astrobiology web page or at the NASA Astrobiology Institute webpage It is just baffling that NASA puts things like this out which feature what NASA's Astrobiology Program does - without ever mentioning it. The article originates from NASA Ames - the home of the NASA Astrobiology Institute - and the origin of NASA's Astrobiology program in the late 1990s. You'd think that Ames would want to plug their role in supporting NAI - they have a link to the article but no mention of the NAI. Yes, yes, I know that different funding streams fund different things but in the end its all part of NASA's Astrobiology efforts.

- NASA's Semi-Stealth Astrobiology Mission, earlier post
- NASA's Astrobiology Programs Ignore One Another, earlier post
- NASA Making Changes to its Astrobiology Program, earlier post
- Real Time Astrobiology Expedition News That NASA Ignores, earlier post
- Revious Astrobiology postings

from NASA Watch https://ift.tt/2Gu6RA8

