2017年6月30日 星期五

Last Minute Pre-Holiday National Space Council Thing Today

White House to formally announce a space council led by Mike Pence

"Later today, the White House is expected to announce that President Trump has signed an executive order to reinstate the National Space Council. This should finally kick off the much-anticipated formulation of a space policy from the Trump administration, which will encompass military, civil, and commercial interests. The new council, led by Vice President Mike Pence, has the potential to do a great deal of good--or it could further muddy the waters of what already is kind of a mess."

Keith's note: There is an event of sorts at 3:00 pm EDT today wherein the Executive Order (which has been in existence for months) will be signed. VP Pence will be leading the NSC. But it is not expected that an executive director for the NSC will be named today although Scott Pace is widely expected to be chosen at some point. Today's event (very last minute BTW) is being orchestrated by the Alabama mafia. You can expect to see Mary Lynne Dittmar and the SLS-hugging Coalition For Deep Space Exploration in attendance. It seems that commercial space folks are being kept at arm's length for this little party. Oh yes there will an astronaut or two there as well. Stay tuned.

from NASA Watch http://ift.tt/2t8RbIf

